Tuesday, 29 November 2011

My confessions...

I have a confession to make..

When my boyfriend told me he was working this evening, I was happy.
Because I know the Victoria Secret Show is on tonight, and he will be missing it.

It's horrible, I know!
But I can't be the only female around who is getting tired of Miranda Kerrs' ...."wings" floating down the runway during every TV show intermission.  If that isn't a distracting commercial, I don't know what is.

I know, these are gorgeous women, and even I can't help but take a glance at 'the angels'..

But in anycase, I'm secretly happy my boyfriend is working tonight.

There, I said it.

Oh, and I'm secretly hoping his PVR breaks tonight too.

Thursday, 24 November 2011

Absence makes the heart grow fonder?

Absence can make the heart grow fonder, but it also makes the mind go crazy.  I suppose it's a double edged sword we all have held at least once in our lives.  This past summer I went on vacation with my family to the Sunshine Coast (if you have never been there, go).  It was beautiful, peaceful and I would go back in a second.  Unfortunately, my boyfriend didn't come with us, and as the age old adage goes...my heart grew fonder.  But what this tried and true saying doesn't mention is that absence can also make the mind go crazy.

While on vacation, my family consumed a hefty amount of liquor (responsibly, of course). Every evening we went to the town liquor store to grab wine for dinner, and beers for the beach.  And every evening, guess what wine bottles were staring me in the face?

I don't know how I spotted these wine bottles, but I did.  And everytime I went into this liquor store... I could swear they were taunting me! It's as if the world knew I missed my boyfriend, and through perfectly printed labels on bottles of wine, it wanted to rub it in just a little more.

Crazy? Yeah. But that's what happens sometimes; and its a shame there's no good quote for it.

Hint hint..

Call me crazy, but I have been dying for a Slap Chop.  I know I'm a good three years behind the fad, but keep in mind I'm the same girl who still owns a Sony Erricson phone (see:archaic). I'm clearly not  keeping up with the Joneses.

My boyfriend recently told me he got me Slap Chop.  And since then, all I can think about is 'Slap-chop' friendly recipes.. and I'm not the only one. I told my brother about our forthcoming  kitchen appliance, and now whenever he sees me all he can say is, ' Slap Chop?'.  Apparently he's excited too.

I guess you can call my entire family crazy, it turns out we're all dying for a slap chop.

Hmmm...I think the bf should come over soon and drop the slap chop off ....

Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Bring it on Jessica(s)


real men dont love the most beautiful girl in the world.
they love the girl who can make thier world the most beautiful.

 The following is a list of women my boyfriend finds beautiful:
  • Evangaline Lilly- 'Lost' was his favorite show, I wonder why..
  • Cheryl Cole-he was a little too thrilled to find out she was going to host X-Factor
  • Nicole Scherzinger-let's just say he wasn't that disappointed when Cheryl got booted
  • The Jessicas-both Alba and Biel
The list could go on, but for the sake of my self-esteem I'll leave it at that.

I'd like to think my boyfriend is with me because I make his world the most beautiful.. He's definitely not with me because I look like Jessica (Alba or Biel)....ha!

Wednesday, 16 November 2011

This time last year...

I was doing some desktop cleaning on my computer, when I came across a video that reminded me of this time last year....

This time last year my boyfriend was in university working on his second degree, doing his practicum at an elementary school and coaching in the evenings.  (I may be envious of his math skills, but his multi-tasking skills are up there as well!). 

This time last year the only forms of communication him and I had were the goodnight calls before bed.  These calls involved me attempting to have a conversation, while he attempted to refrain from snoring.  It was trying times for both of us! 

It was also around this time last year that I made him a little scrabble video--I was so proud of him then, and I'm still so proud of him now...

Time certainly flies..

Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Robert A. Heinlein

“Love Is A Condition In Which The Happiness Of Another Person Is Essential To Your Own.”

Robert Heinlein was a science fiction writer. He alongside Isaac Asimov and Arthur Clarke, raised their genre to new standards of literary quality. Through his writings, he addressed social themes such as individual self-reliance, liberty and love. He also wrote one of my favourite quotes. 
Thanks Rob, this quote holds so much truth for me..

Monday, 14 November 2011


I have a thing for desserts. Scratch that. I have a thing for food in general, and desserts in particular. I made this image for my boyfriend awhile back.. It may not seem like a big deal.. to value someone over ice cream, croissants and cake. But if you knew me, you would know that it is a very. big. deal.

Saturday, 12 November 2011

Ray Rice, Big Year.

Allow me to pose a question..

Q. What would happen if men put as much effort in their relationships as they did in their fantasy football leagues?
A. We would all have fantastic relationships, that's what.

Unfortunately that's just not the case, is it?  I've tried to understand football, I really have.  But all I have learned is this:

1. Football is the reason I don't have a boyfriend on Sundays.
2. Ray Rice is going to have a big year.

That being said, I have a lovely boyfriend Tuesday through Saturday (and some Mondays).  As for Sundays? Those belong to Mr. Rice.

I guess opposites do attract...

I am not good at math, never have been and never will be. I think my brain stopped processing math once it finished learning times tables. My boyfriend on the other hand, is freakishly good at math.  So good in fact, that at times I even get jealous.  It's not something I'm proud of, but it's not something I dwell on too much either.  I told him one day he's going to have to sit me down and teach me integers, fractions and all that other stuff. But for the time being, you can bet when we go out for dinner...he's the one calculating the tip (he's also the one paying, but that's another post altogether lol).

Thursday, 10 November 2011

Food > Flowers

I adore flowers. I love the smell of them, the look of them, the complexity and simplicity of them.  But despite my subtle (or not so subtle) hints, pleads and guilt trips, I have never received flowers from the bf.  I've created reasons in my head as to why he would never bring me any:
Maybe he's embarrassed to go buy flowers? 
Maybe he thinks they are a waste of money?
Whatever the reason, the vases in my home remain empty.  What has never been empty however, is my stomach.  No, I don't get a pretty bouquet of peonies.. But I do get loaves of bread dropped off at my doorstep.  I am the recipient of delicious desserts, home made lunches and whenever I'm thirsty a glass of juice is never far away.  The fact is, I can survive without beautiful flowers, but my sweet-tooth wouldn't last a day without a pastry!

Turns out, I'd take food over flowers any day; I guess my boyfriend already knew that...